Download Free Academic Guides

We have gathered a select number of public domain and creative documents that would be a great help to ISDET students in their studies, research and writing. Please download anything and everything that you might find useful:



Posted in: Resources

24 Comments on "Download Free Academic Guides"

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  1. please your work good uplifting

  2. maru says:

    I have been trying to register can’t find how. Help! There is group of us in Venezuela… His can register?

  3. alex yilkora says:

    the site is ok only that one is not finding it easy to register,kindly come to my aid.

  4. how i will registration my name for the stdy, and how long the study time for the doctoral study.

  5. Paul Owolabi says:

    Hi. The Masters in Christian Apologetics is not highlighted for seeing the courses under it as seen in other masters programme.

    Pleae, how do I see the courses?


  6. Melvin Torres says:

    I would like more information on the doctoral degree in Biblical Archeology. Can that be found somewhere?

  7. Pissamai Kotphan says:

    I want to know the result of application.I try to do more times.

  8. fikru worku says:

    Greetings in the sweet name of our Lord Jesus Chirist. So great, when I read the statements which have been written by you, I thanked God about you. I do have Bth in theology,two secular degrees and MA in leadership. I want to continue my further education in PhD program in Theology. I am waiting for your response.
    Yours Fikru Worku

  9. James L. Young says:

    Are U.S. citizens welcome in this program? I tried to sign up for a similar school a few years ago and felt like they really weren’t welcoming, even though I qualified to enter their doctoral program. Or this really a school for people in mostly other developing countries. I am a senior citizen and hold the Master of Religious Education degree. I’m very interested in your D.R.E. Program. –Thank you.


    James L. Young

    • ISDET_Admin_2014 says:

      EVERYONE is welcome to study with ISDET!!!

      • James L. Young says:

        Does ISDET/Trinity still offer the sample courses, and how can I access them? I do want to enroll in a doctoral program pretty soon. I have the Master of Religious Education Degree and am interested in the Doctor of Biblical Studies Degree as a student from a developing country (USA). I would like to receive the sample courses for the Doctor of Biblical Studies Degree. Thank you.

  10. Kim says:

    4., 5., and 6. are invalid links

  11. Paulo Sousa says:

    Just a question: Do you charge any amount for your Free distance Certificate Theology bachelor course?

  12. AMOSU OLUFEMI says:

    I have been trying to register as student and this has not been successful

    • ISDET_Admin_2014 says:

      All necessary info is already available on this website. Please go to the home page and check the menu items.

  13. James Mason says:

    It very difficult to register on this site. Can Someone help me?

  14. Morta Prakas says:

    Hi Sir/Maam, Im Prakas, from India. i did my A.B., MSc., Th.B., M.Div., and Th.M., (All theological degrees are done residential for nine years. Accredited with Asia Theological Association. I would like to do D.Min from your school. please guide me

  15. I am interested to partner with your school. Many Indonesians are interested taking Christian Theology, and I am ready to help them, provided you help us to educate them and prepare them to serve the Lord. We are planning to establish Bible or Theological Training in Indonesia.
    I will appreciate if you can direct me to do that.

    In case you would like to call here is my number: 085156335868

    Thank you. God bless you

  16. Jeruel says:

    Dear Admin,

    Good morning. I already filled out the initial application form. I’m looking forward to your feedback soon and be guided accordingly.

    Thank you very much. God bless


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