Sample Course Material

book-168824_640Question: How Can I know more about the quality of the course-material and instruction that you offer?

Answer: We are happy that you asked. ISDET has built has several internal systems of checks and balances to ensure that, in spite of being tuition-free, our theology courses are one of the best that anyone anywhere can offer. What is more, potential students can know more about the quality of free ISDET programs by doing the following:

  1. Please visit the Discussion Forum under the section titled ‘Community’ and interact with our students. Ask them your questions and they will answer you frankly and openly.

  2. Please send us a ‘Sample Course Request’  to Webmaster@ISDET.Com On receiving your request, the Office will send you almost twenty course-modules (That would be about one-third of the subjects that you cover in any ISDET free bible courses). The office will also send you the Student Handbook that contains instructions and assignments.

  3. Once you have about one-third of our textbooks and the Student Handbook, you can take your time to scan through them and come to your own conclusion about the quality of the free ISDET courses.

  4. There is absolutely no obligation to join after you receive this sample textbooks. This means that you can keep the textbooks and Handbook even if you decide not to join.

Question: Only one or two sample textbooks would suffice. Why do you send as much as one-third of the textbooks and the Student Handbook as sample?

Answer: We send a large number of textbooks as sample based upon several considerations that are given below:

  1. A large-enough sample is always better for you to decide whether the quality and orthodoxy of these textbooks meet your expectation.

  2. The more ISDED free textbooks that you scan through, the more is the probability that you would surely join ISDET programs – if you are looking for quality.

  3. We are here to offer free theological education and thus we want to offer at least some training to you even if you do not join. Ideas have consequences and we wish to spread these biblical ideas free to as large a population as possible, even if they do not join as enrolled students.

Question: What is the difference between getting the above-mentioned sample textbooks to studying personally, as compared to joining as an enrolled student?

Answer: While self-study is fine, it is never a substitute for guided-study where a Mentor guides, evaluates, communicates the grade, and suggests the need/possibility for more exploration in the subject of study.

Question: What is the percentage of students who join after they request samples free textbooks from you?

Answer: Nine out of ten students come to the conclusion that the quality is much higher than they ever expected, and join promptly. One out of ten comes to the conclusion that the quality of the textbooks and the work expected from ISDET students is so high that they cannot spare time at present and decide to postpone their studies with ISDET. We consider this very good because we do not wish anyone to regret their choice after the join. Most of those who postpone join within an year or so.

Question: Do you plan to make your programs a bit more easy so that anyone can join them without having to work much to get a degree from ISDET?

Answer: NO! We plan to keep the bar very high. Our aim is not to simply allow people to earn degrees in Bible and Theology. Rather, our aim and mission is to train people in great depth and breadth in Bible and Theology. The purpose is to produce OUTSTANDING Bible expositors, pastors, teachers, evangelists, counsellors, communicators and apologists. The Christian world is in dire need of people who are deeply grounded in the Scripture and its application. Thus we only plain to keep raising the bar, and not to lower it. Getting a theological or biblical degree from ISDET will always be a tough affair, and students will have to work exceptionally hard to earn this privilege.


Author: ISDET_Admin_2014

54 thoughts on “Sample Course Material

      1. I sent a request earlier in the week for a sample and I have yet to get a response. Makes me we wonder about the legitimacy of this online “school”.

        Thanks for any response ahead of time.

        1. Samples are being upl0aded afresh to google drive, so requests for samples will receive response only after one more weel

  1. This is Good News. I wish to have the sample courses material soonest I plea. To be Reading PHD THEOLOGY

    1. My wife, Margaret and l have filled the initial application forms for MDiv. and DTh. Four days now but have had no response.
      Awaiting your response, please.
      Yours faithfully,
      Yaw and Margaret.

  2. I applied for the second part, master theology/apologetics, but would like to receive the free sample material. If this is satisfactuary I will pay my fees and definitely enroll.

    Gr. and Gods blessing to you

    Frans Nijhof

    1. Kindly write to the office directly. Website-comment is not the best way for communication with an institution.

    2. I am Isaac Sepetla, a pastor of 43 years of age, who hold a Pastoral diploma. I am interested in your school, and I am asking for sample material of Bachelor of Christian Ministry (BMin). Thank so much, and may God richly bless you for your service in His Kingdom advancement.

    3. I am Isaac Sepetla, a pastor of 43 years of age from Lesotho in Africa, who hold a Pastoral diploma. I am interested in your school, and I am asking for a sample course material of Bachelor of Christian Ministry degree (BMin). Thank so much, and may God richly bless you for your service in His Kingdom advancement.

  3. I sent an email to to get a sample of the course work and student handbook. I have not received the sample course material and it has been over a week already. Is there a different email that I can contact someone to inquire about about the free distance education courses that I am interested in. I am not sure you to contact since their is no phone number or email.

    Thank You

  4. I consider myself one of the luckiest people to have enrolled in ISDET study. I find the course materials quite easy to read and comprehend.Furthermore, they are rich in content. I recommend ISDET study programs to all who would wish to have a wealth of christian knowledge.

  5. I’ve just emailed, requesting the free course material to begin the process. I’m greatly looking forward to receiving them, to see the quality and orthodoxy of requested material.
    Blessings to You and Yours!?

  6. I have made the initial application and received a response that stated that ISDET would be in touch with me shortly regarding my acceptance. So far i have not heard from them again.
    Secondly would there be video lectures that we can look at?

  7. I sent a sample course request for the MBS program offered here to the email and have not heard back yet. Could I have the information sent?

    In advance thank you very much – I never a site like this existed and to have all of these degree programs offered at such a low cost is quite exciting.

    1. Actually I received the sample material for the Bachelor of Theology program, but that is not what interests me. Could I get the MBS materials?

      Again – thank you!

  8. Sir I am from India country my family was poor in condition but i was very intrested to do course please guide me and give clarity regarding fees

  9. Hello! I asked for sample material of Biblical Theology Bachelor, but I did not receive anything. Can you check? Thank you.

  10. The course material is great. I have been teaching much of the information contained in the materials for the past 30+ years so I am encountering difficulty in corralling my thoughts to just the module in front of me. My tendency, as with my teaching ministry, is to study to be able to answer any question that may be raised about or around any particular subject. I have this insatiable “need” to know more than the subject limitations, which occupies time. It’s like the old adage that says 90% of what we worry about never happens. So my studies tend to occupy 90% more than what is necessary for a given subject.

    I have gotten several other people interested in pursuing degrees, but none have committed so far. I think the perception of an on-line course of study is an excuse. The ISDET program is anything but a “cake-walk”. It is tough. Like I said, I have been teaching and studying these subjects for 30+ years and still have difficulty bringing all of my knowledge and associated resources (print library of 800+ books and a digital library of over 13,000 plus all of the ISDET resources) to bear in a concentrated and coordinated fashion. Even I need help, but it is one of those pleasurable acts of endurance. Thanks for your efforts and continuance in educating those in the ministry.

  11. I am pastor Aron F. Moore a Liberian serving as Founder and general Overseer of our Church ”Christ’s Redeemed Church Inc” and I would like to enroll for the BTH (Bachelor Biblical Theology) at this college ISDET .

    I will be glad when I am excepted to be equipped for high ministry.

  12. Hello!
    I am interested in doing Master of Biblical Theology.
    Would you please send the sample course material?
    thank you.

  13. I just started with DBS and the materials for self-study are quite extensive. Just with the introduction to apologetics materials, I already learned a lot and it is very evident that these are very well researched and well thought of, scholarly documents. I can only be so thankful to ISDET/TGSAT and to the Lord for this opportunity to know more about Biblical Truths to both strengthen my faith and learn how I can effectively share the Christian Faith to others.

  14. The mission of TGSAT is to open the world to access theology and be able to apply it in our day to day encounter with life.

  15. ISDET and TGSAT are partners for the good work of equipping Christians so that they stand firm for their faith.

  16. I am Isaac Sepetla, a pastor of 43 years of age from Lesotho in Africa, who hold a Pastoral diploma. I am interested in your school, and I am asking for a sample course material of Bachelor of Christian Ministry degree (BMin). Thank so much, and may God richly bless you for your service in His Kingdom advancement.

  17. I am Isaac Sepetla, a pastor of 43 years of age from Lesotho in Africa, who hold a Pastoral diploma in Theology. I am interested in your school, and I am asking for a sample course material of Bachelor of Christian Ministry degree (BMin). Thank so much, and may God richly bless you for your service in His Kingdom advancement.

  18. Thanks for the information regarding your free online theological seminary intended to serve as a center for theological education. Could you please send me the sample course ? Thanks again.

  19. I am solomon salau, an intending student from Nigeria, Africa. I am interested in your school, and I am a asking for a sample for a sample course material of BTh (Bachelor of Bible Theology).

    Thanks in anticipation.


  20. My name is Samuel Kodwo Baffoe and have been elder of Church since 2012. I intend to pursue PhD in Theology and would be much grateful to have your course material. I believe that deeper understanding of official knowledge in Theology together with experience in the secular world would go a long way to help myself and people whom I shall share the knowledge with better if I don’t acquire this knowledge.

  21. Good day sir,
    I applied to study in your prestigious school on the 10th but still awaiting confirmation,
    Please am pleading for your acceptance of my application as it will be of great help for me to developed and grow more in the things of God and also to enhance my work for Him…thank you.

  22. I sent in a request for the “Sample Course Request” a few weeks ago and have not heard back. Should I put in another request?

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