ISDET Accreditation
Accreditation is a totally voluntary process, and it is not compulsory or mandatory for Bible Colleges and Seminaries that operate without government or federal funds. Since we have chosen not to seek or receive any government funds, we have taken a totally independent and biblical stand in these matters which is explained below.
ISDET has been established by an international group of committed, theologically conservative, Bible believing, Christians to impart high quality spiritual, bible-based, theological education and training to Christians worldwide. The purpose of such training in Bible and theology is personal spiritual enrichment and also equipping of born-again Christians for spiritual ministry.
The group that established the free theology training programs at ISDET strongly feels that no external agency (private or government) should be allowed to regulate or control Bible-based spiritual activities. Thus, we have never sought accreditation by private or government agencies.
Contrary to popular belief, Accreditation of a theological institution is not based upon quality of spiritual instruction alone. Rather, a large number of other factors are also taken into consideration. Most people who examine such things (for granting accreditation) may not be conservative Christians. Many of them may not even be born-again. Thus they often may demand that the syllabus conform to their policies and doctrinal position.
As a result ISDET might have to compromise on its theological stand in many areas if we opt for accreditation. Moreover, we firmly believe that secular governments have NO jurisdiction to examine/accredit bible-based theological programs. That is the reason why we wish to operate without accreditation.
Many people think that studying an accredited program will increase their job-prospects. Such people should notice that ISDET is not meant for theological training for the sake of getting jobs. Applicants whose primary purpose is to seek a job after their studies should look elsewhere for a Bible Seminary that trains people for jobs and should not look to ISDET to meet such a requirement. That is simply not part of our mission or vision.
ISDET is here to train people who are looking for spiritual self-enrichment and also for those who wish to use such a formal training in Bible and Theology for Christian ministry-related purposes. Such people look for spiritual quality of instruction and not for government accreditation of biblical and theological training programs.
What is more, it is a wrong notion that all accredited institutions maintain spiritual quality. On the contrary, you need to know that ALL theologically radical and liberal Bible seminaries worldwide tend to be accredited. This means that accreditation is not the same as spiritual quality. With that made clear, let us took at how ISDET maintains its quality.
We have built a system of multiple checks-and-balances to ensure that ISDET maintains the highest possible spiritual, theological, and academic quality. This includes a strong Statement of Doctrine, regular review of the syllabus, and also a very large international group made up of faculty members and graduates who keep assessing ISDET quality on a periodic basis. This feedback is analyzed periodically by the core group so as to ensure that quality is maintained. Thus you can be assured that we will always maintain the highest spiritual, biblical, and academic quality at any cost. What is more, all ISDET programs shall remain totally free of tuition fees.
Everything is not importance for
me I like to do something I can do.
I’m most grateful to God for this opportunity. is a great pleasure to discover this work done by your group. I really wish to be part of this great army of God. thank you.
I think this is exactly what I have been looking for. I really would like to get started and need to know how to pay any fees if you require or anything I can do to help out your cause. Please advise me on how to proceed from here and how to get started I’m rather new at this so bear with me please thank you
That ISDET will remain without accreditation is highly commendable. All institutions have peculiar goals; it could be Christ-based or worldly oriented. ISDET provides training in Bible and theology for the personal spiritual enrichment of the born-again Christian. Besides the training equips the born-again Christians for spiritual ministry. ISDET is NOT just an academic institution but rather the life transforming episode that Apostle Paul lacked until the mid-day Damascus road experience. No agency (private or government) has the qualification to regulate or control the Bible-based spiritual activities of ISDET.
Dear Sirs /Madam,
As Christians we have been mandated by our Lord Jesus Christ to go out and preach to every nation, I feel compelled to follow my master’s order . However, like Timothy_ though I might be as young as Timothy was_ I feel I should equally be well grounded in the Bible and theory to fulfil this sacred mission of preaching. For this reason, would you be kind enough to enroll me in your doctorate course in Bible and Theology studies as requested last week.
My regards in Christ
Brima K. Tarwally
This is exemplary and very inspirational! We have only one accreditation that matters and that is that our Lord Jesus Christ sent us into the world to preach the gospel.
ISDET’s vision and mission to equip and train the messengers of the gospel is in agreement with the Great Commission, already accredited by the Saviour Himself. So what accreditation does ISDET need again? None!
My regards to the ISDET’s team.
Yours in Christ,
Olugbenga Gbonjubola
Lagos, Nigeria
Regarding the degrees that we will earn, even though
they are not accredited there will be mentioned that
We will have earned i.e: (Master of Biblical Theology) & (Doctor of Bible Theology)
Another thing, is it possible to do both my Master’s and Doctorate at the same time?
Fact: I have written a 700 Pages Book; a Christian book being published in The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, if allowed it would not be a problem for me to combine both Master’s and PhD.
Thank you for your consideration.
Germain LeChanceux MUHIRWA*
The Doctor of Apologetics program was spiritually rewarding and intellectually challenging. The format is structured but has the distinct qualities of an independent study as well. Despite the lack of formal accreditation, I was impressed with each learning module, and was able to complete the D.Apol. In about two years.
ISDET is an academically sound, theologically conservative, tuition free graduate school of Apologetics and Theology.You will not be sacrificing quality for affordability, at Trinity you get the best of both worlds! Enroll today!
Sam Shavers Jr.,ThD Student
ISDET is the perfect place to advance knowledge and skills needed for equipping church leaders for ministry if the purpose is for limitless possibilities and potentials in leading one’s ministry beyond the constraints of denominational policies which may not be based on eternal, unchanging biblical principles.
I am interested in this school did you find it challenging and beneficial?
ISDET has designed a perfect method of delivering the best theological education to students from all over the world. Its tuition free initiative has provided a rare opportunity for many to receive high quality education that would prepare them for a fruitful ministry.
Moses George,
Kaduna, Nigeria
Have a 32000 word theology dissertation.
Can I be awarded a masters from yourself and is there any charge.
Please contact for assessment
Since submitting my application a couple of months ago, I have not heard from you. Please contact me at
Thank you,
Andres Gonzalez
Please check your inbox.
I hope to hear from you soon.
So excited to earning my Doctorate with you and am really enjoying the Theology modules!
Gary Gregory
(352) 530-1738
Gary, is there the Alumni club of ISDET? As well do they evaluate exams in credit points. What is the relation of IDSET with the Trinity college in Kerala? What is you experience in the process of thesis writing? Any difficulties you had?
Gary, which country are you from?
I am Tony Olabanjo ,I have my first BTh in pastoral theology and will love to enroll in ISDET for my master degree .How do I go about it.I live in Nigeria Oyo state
Since I submitted my application in early October 2020 I have not heard from you. Contact me through
I just want to know by delaying or I am not granted the opportunity for DRE. Thanks.
Dear sir, I am from Bangladesh. I like to attain the tuition free bachelor course. Please let me know whom I can contact for all the details. Thanks. May God bless your kind efforts.
This is a great vision and such a great dedication that is to help steer clear of Theologies that defile the Bible Truth. God Bless the Vision Bearers.
I look forward to join and learn from you.
I already sent my application but I didn’t recieve any feedback until now. I really want to study in your institution.
There is always some delay during this covid season, but we will attend to ALL applicants
How do I enrol for the doctoral in christian leadership programme?
I completed my MA in Mass Communications, Oklahoma,USA, MBA, Lincoln, UK, the Chartered in Marketing CIMUK, Diploma in Sales & Marketing Management, Diploma in Leadership Management, Diploma in Service Leadership, Specialist Diploma in Service Management, Diploma in Retail Operations, Diploma in Workplace Safety & Health, Certificate in Tourism – Marketing & Promotion, Specialist Diploma in Learning & Teaching Practices, Diploma in Teaching Skills for Educators, Diploma in Basic English Grammar, Diploma in Legal Studies,Certificate in Coaching in Education, Certificate in English Teaching online.
please send an online application
Sir, is it possible for ISDET to waive the $400 fee? I am unemployed. I am in my late 60s. I don’t have an assignment that will earn an income. Please assist if you can. Thanks.
How do I enrol for the doctoral in christian leadership programme?
My qualifications are:
1. MA in Mass Communications, Oklahoma,USA;
2. MBA, Lincoln, UK;
3. The Chartered in Marketing CIMUK;
4. Diploma in Sales & Marketing Management;
5. Diploma in Leadership Management;
6. Diploma in Service Leadership;
7. Specialist Diploma in Service Management;
8. Diploma in Retail Operations;
9. Diploma in Workplace Safety & Health;
10. Certificate in Tourism – Marketing & Promotion;
11. Specialist Diploma in Learning & Teaching Practices;
12. Diploma in Teaching Skills for Educators;
13. Diploma in Basic English Grammar;
14. Diploma in Legal Studies;
15. Certificate in Coaching in Education;
16. Certificate in English Teaching online.
please send an online application
How do I register for the course?
Hello sir may good lord reward you more, i would like to enroll as a student to study BTh
I just wanted to follow up my application with a message. It seems from the posts across the site that it should be considered a “best practice” to do so in order to insure that the application was viewed. Thanks. -Corey
can send me the price of degree?
Please sent initial application and we will send all details
I’m looking forward to starting my Bachelor of Theology Degree with ISDET.
I want to be equipped in more Christian Knowledge so that I can teach my community members about OUR LORD AND MASTER JESUS CHRIST or in short about the things of God. The Harvest is Plenty but the Labourers are few – hence my interesting in joining the Pastors, Teachers, Apostles, and others engaged in teaching the Word of God.
Thank you.
Chishimba T.M. Chibowa.