
cornell-university-82344_640ISDET history goes to 1960 and 1970s when  many visionaries worldwide started asking why education should be tied up to traditional methods and why it cannot be liberated from the confines of buildings. Why can’t the process of education go where the student is, so as to meet the special needs of special people such as those who are already employed.

The answer resulted in Distance Programs, where the University or the College goes to the student, instead of the student going to a regular institution made of brick and mortars. All study material was sent to the student in printed format, or he was able to buy books that covered the syllabus.

The maximum that the student had to leave his place was to attend the so-called ‘contact classes’. This approach resulted in a very large number of people being able to get education without barriers. While many viewed Distance Education initially with dismay, eventually it became clear that Distance Education was here to stay.

Theological Seminaries got into Distance Education very soon. They had the advantage of experience and insight from Christian Correspondence Courses, which had been gaining worldwide popularity after the Second World War.

ISDET had its its origin when BBS (Bulletin Board Service, the forerunner of the WorldWide Web) became available. A number of Christians immediately realized that here is a technology that can take free Bible and seminary training worldwide. ISDET was established soon after that and has already trained hundreds of thousands informally (free non degree Bible courses) and many thousands (through free degree courses at Seminary level) worldwide.

Today ISDET is one of the largest free Distance Bible Seminaries in the world. Please take some to explore this website and its scores of pages of information to see if ISDET meets your free Seminary training requirements.

Posted in: History

27 Comments on "History"

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  1. Billy Sichone says:

    Sounds interesting!

    An innovative way to spread knowledge.

    I am curious, did the Christians set up ISDET technology?


  2. Stephen Paul says:

    Recently i have been researching about theological schools around the world, some of them are with heavy price tags around them with big name attached and very popular faculty also. But i am yet to see any one of the so called accredited big name schools that can manage the same curriculum as ISDET. Even the undergraduate programs far exceed some masters degree from some ivy leagued Bible school. The thought of going through all those courses listed per degree makes any lazy student sick.
    Practically you may not carry a government accredited certificate from them but in the end you would have studied enough to be approved unto God a work man that cannot be put to shame, and able to rightly divid the word of truth. I pray God will continue to grant you (ISDET Faculty)the rich supply of his spirit In Jesus name.

  3. Makris says:

    Hi, in the last paragraph of the present artical you say:

    Today ISDET is one of the largest free Distance Bible Seminaries in the world. Please take some to explore this website and its scores of pages of information to see if ISDET meets your free Seminary training requirements.

    I believe the word “time” is missing after the last sentence “Please take some”.

    I like very much your institution and i am making the right steps in order to study with you and later to teach with you for free.by the way, I am fluent in Greek.

  4. Harun says:

    This kind of study method is the best in this twenty first century. The elites and the working class have no time to sit in a traditional class. We need a program that we can work on at the comfort of our working place or home. ISDET has done us a great favor and to the people who want to gain knowledge. Kudos and many thanks.

  5. Stephen House says:

    It is very interesting that the history of ISDET goes back so far. I remember being on that initial BBS, although I was using it for business purposes. I need to do some more research into this organization,

  6. Jose Floresta says:

    Is this an accredited program by the government?

  7. I am from the Guyana doing volunteeri work with children and adults. I fo have a BA in Theology And a Masters in Education with majors in counseling and administration
    I would like to study more in Theology
    Please reply as how to start

  8. I think it is fantastic idea to help third world students

  9. Nabaala says:

    How do I join

  10. RAMESH says:

    Want to do phd course in bible studies

  11. Hi, this seminar is related to the Isedet of Argentina? and study a propedeutico in theology in Evangelical Theological Community of Chile, I can validate credits? thank you and bless

  12. Charles Ikechukwu Udeagu says:

    I am highly interested in your Doctorate in religious education. I am from Nigeria. I filled the application some days ago but no reply

  13. Fr. Michael Craig Smith says:

    What does ISDET stand for? Do you supply diploma upon graduation? What does the doctoral diploma look like?

  14. Emmanuel Appiah-Kubi says:

    I filled and sent the initial application form about 2 weeks ago but have not heard from you. Can you please give an update on what’s happening?

  15. Jean Fresnel Occeus says:


    I would like to discuss confidentially with you. Don’t you have an email address?

  16. I am in the process of completing the essential apologetics portion of my ThD studies. This University is NOT a diploma mill. I am impressed at the quality and thoroughness of the study material. Be forewarned, you will work for, and earn, your degree. Prepare to do a lot of writing. The program of Christian apologetics will be extremely beneficial for those living in areas where Christianity is the outnumbered or minority, religion. This school has my highest recommendation.

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