Assignment Preparation & Submission

Please read this document carefully because ISDET requires you to prepare and send in assignments/exams in a specific format. You need t familiarize yourself with the essential protocols and should follow them strictly.

  1. You need to submit regular assignments. Assignments are your exams, so you need to take them very seriously.
  2. Assignments are to be done on modules starting from the lowest number (usually 1) to the highest number in ascending order of numbers.
  3. ISDET has evolved a method of assignments, which is given below. It may look simple, but that is not the reality, and students have to work hard and on a regular basis if they have to meet the expectations of the Mentors and examiners.
  4. ISDET follows the open Textbook approach. This also means that the assignments are assessed on stricter criteria than in normal exams. This also means that you should not be under any illusion that ISDET assignments are going to be easy.
  5. As to what a “module” is, you should go to the subject listing of your diploma. The modules are listed there

  6. The following is your assignment for each module:

a. A summary of each Module in your own words. The MINIMUM size should be 1000 words, but there is no maximum word-limit.

b. A thorough critique of the module where you highlight the significance as well as weaknesses of the Module. The critique can include topics such as the theology, language, style, communication, or any other aspect that you can critique

c. Suggestion for improvement. You can suggest any kind of improvement or addition that would improve the material

d. Explain the way in which the Module helped you or blessed you and also tell us how you would be able to use this information in your personal life and also in your ministry.

e. Students should search for each subject on the net and should become aware of what is being written on these subjects. This awareness should be reflected in the assignments.


  1. The assignments should be sent as attachment in DOC, RTF, or HTML format. Almost all word-processors help you to save the document in the RTF format via the “Save As” menu. DO NOT send them as zipped files.

  2. Each assignment should be numbered and named the way it is numbered and named on the Trinity website. DO NOT try to substitute names and numbers as per your fancy. This will result in immediate rejection of your submission.

  3. You should place your name and the program name (such as BTh, ThD) on top of EACH assignment.

  4. If you are careless in observing the above two stipulations, your assignment will not be accepted.

  5. If you do not include all the points from a to d given above, your assignment will not be accepted.

  6. In other words, ISDET has zero tolerance for assignments that are not done/submitted according to protocol. Our aim is not to give you a degree, but rather to TRAIN you properly


Posted in: Handbook Docs

11 Comments on "Assignment Preparation & Submission"

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  1. I wait for to something for my program.

  2. shaun robbs says:

    cannot open textbook files cannot find server

  3. Rodolfo Azanza Jr says:

    Hi, I am a new student in DBS. To which email address should we email our assignments to? Thank you and more of God’s blessings to ISDET.

  4. Bishop Paul says:

    I regard studying with your organization as very important and even if I am not paying anything for my program but I am very proud with my lesson and they are too far from those universities that you pay.Thank you Guys

  5. Rodney Hickman says:

    I have sent in my initial app. Right now I am waiting on a sample of your textbooks. But I am looking at your site and see that assignments are just the students critique the coursework. Please tell me that I will learn about theology and not presume to create my own coursework, before I know anything about the content.

    Thanks for your time.

  6. Maung Oo says:

    Dear Sir,

    Hello, I’m a new stident of D.Th. May I know that how to be submitted by each of course 1, lesson 1 or by the whole course of apologetics once. And to which e-mail should we email our assignments to. Thanks!

    In His Service,

    James Maung Oo

  7. Susan Hagan says:

    Hello. I am confident that you are extremely busy at the school as I started noticing how many are sending emails!;
    My question is this.
    I understand that you take the 2 year commitment seriously. My question is if you have gone over the 2 years how much is the cost to finish in online program. I like to know all the particulars before I commit
    Thanks kindly. Susan Hagan

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