MBS (Master Of Biblical Studies)

Academic Program: MBS (Master Of Biblical Studies)

Purpose: This program is for those who wish to opt for a theological program in Bible/theology without any previous academic background in theology. This program is the lightest in workload among all our masters programs. The purpose is masters level orientation in Bible and Theology.

Qualification For Admission: A bachelors degree in any secular field. Those who are 24 or above can apply for a direct admission even if they do not have a secular bachelors degree.

Subjects: The subjects you need to study are listed below. Each subject shown below is a ‘module’ and each module is 1 credit hour. Theology Proper is 3 credit hours. Course Development is 4 Credit Hours and Thesis is 6 Credit hours. The total is 60 credit hours of work. Text material is supplied free by us via downloads.

Essential Apologetics
01    M01A1    Introduction
02    M02A1    Presuppositions
03    M03A1    History
04    M04A1    Canon
05    M05A1    Revelation
06    M10A1    Introduction to tools of Apologetics
07    M10A2    Preparation to become an apologist
08    M10P1    What is proof
09    M11A1    Errors of Interpretation
10    M12A1    Bible Difficulties
11    M13A1    Science difficulties
12    M14A1    Propaganda Analysis
13    M15A1    Manipulation analysis
14    M16A1    Manipulation resisting
15    M17A1    Logic and Errors
16    M18A1    Debating Techniques
17    M19A1    Resisting debate
18    M20A1    Leading Questions
19    M20U1    Using Apologetics
General Apologetics
20    MB001    Existence of God
21    MB002    Bible and Science
22    MB003    Cloning
23    MB004    Bible and Archeology
24    MB005    Open Theism 1
Biblical backgrounds
25    MB021    Bible Manners/customs
26    MB022    Bible Trees and Cities
27    MB025    Studies in Canonicity
28    MB026    History of Bible
Essential Topics
29    MB030    Origin of Religions
30    MB031    Christianity and Religions
31    MB032    God and Evil
32    MB035    Foundations
33     MB041    Introduction to Theology
34    MB042    Covenants
35    MB043    Incarnation
36    MB043A    Christology
37    MB044    Sin – a theological study
38    MB045    Trinity
39    MB046    Atonement
40    MB047    Theology Proper
41    MB048    Early Church Heresies
Practical Life
42    MB50A    Christian Family
43    MB50B    Christian Modesty
44    MB50C    Counselling & Helping
45    MB50D    Decision Making
46    MB50E    Holiness
47    MB50F    Witnessing
Practical Work
48    MBSPR    Course Development
49    MBSTH    Thesis
        Total Credit Hours



Posted in: Masters Programs

79 Comments on "MBS (Master Of Biblical Studies)"

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  1. Jedediah Moyo says:

    Kindly send me application forms for masters programme

  2. Jemera Abebe Yadeta says:

    please let’s start now

  3. SANI BUETA says:

    I would like to receive application form for MD Biblical study please

  4. otis gabriel says:

    I would like to apply for the MbS program.

  5. Joel S. Pacete says:

    After evaluating all the masters degree program, I decided to take this course. Please let me know further how can I enroll now.

  6. Rev.Benjamin Anson says:

    l am interested in the master of biblical studies.kindly send me the needed admission forms for further action.

  7. Tinao Masvingo says:

    I am just ready to start immediately, please sent me some registration forms.

  8. Ernest Asamoah says:

    I am interested in the Masters in Biblical Studies. can I please have access to the needed admission forms for further action?

  9. what comments plz.help

  10. Jeffrey Tan says:

    How much is the registration fee for this MBS course?

  11. Edward Ajayi says:

    I am Edward Ajayi (Nigeria) i will like to be enrolled for the Program. Thanks and God bless

  12. Edward Ajayi says:

    I Edward Ajayi I am from Nigeria, I am with a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Education, I will be Glad if am given the privilege to study Master’s in Biblical Studies with you. I am glad I find this kind of opportunity with you, May God continually bless the team and supporting partners. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you

  13. Jonathan Ritter says:

    I would like take the master in biblical studies,


  14. Ntombekaya says:

    I would love to study towards masters degree I have attained honors degree already

  15. Jacque Lacy says:

    Please send me an application for Masters of Biblical Studies

  16. I would like to do a master degree in biblical studies in your school. Please sent me informations about it.
    God bless you

  17. Sir,
    Am interesting in God Kingdom’s to populate the love of Christ to the unreached soul.

  18. I want to study Doctrine master in bible study

  19. I want to study Doctrine master in bible study Doctrine master in my life suffered with poor in bible study master

  20. Che Praisely says:

    Dear Sir/Madam
    I will like to enroll into your master program of Biblica studies please kindly send me the link to apply for the said program.
    I look forward to hearing back from you

  21. I am Gabriel, please kindly send me application form says:

    I wish to offer any of your courses via distance learning

  22. Pitso says:

    I am Pitso. I have applied for Masters of Biblical studies and I am ready to start a program. May you please send me material so that I start a program.

  23. Rebecca says:

    I am Rebecca. Please tell me if the master of Bible Studies got an accreditation from any international organization or institution. Thanks!

  24. Hi, could you please send me the forms to forms to subscription

  25. I’m Innocent,I want to start masters Bible studies.
    Kindly send me materials for it

  26. My name is Morapeli Andrews Lebesa aged 41 a holder of bachelor of Theology from Japan Bible Institute

    I have heard about the ISDET if I will be accepted I will love to study for masters in Theology

    Thank you.

    Regard Morapeli Andrews Lebesa

  27. Daniel Legese says:

    I am Daniel Legese from Ethiopia, I am with bleacher degree in sociology and currently following for my second degree in master of business administration. Some years ago I received a certificate in bible study from soon. So I am very glad If I am given the chance to study master degree in biblical study from your center.
    I look to hear good news from you.
    thank you for all efforts

  28. Terry Cirre says:

    I am serving in Papua New Guinea in Bible translation.

    This would help me with our missions work and ministry.

    Please send me an application.

    Terry Cirre

  29. Gary.Facey says:

    I would love to study MBS. Please send info to commence

    • Dennis Ngandwe says:

      Dear sir,I do posses a bachelor with honor in biblical studies. Now I am interested in doing MBS. kindly send me information and when I can start. Your quick response will be much appreciated.

  30. Dennis Ngandwe says:

    Dear sir,I do posses a bachelor with honor in biblical studies. Now I am interested in doing MBS. kindly send me information and when I can start. Your quick response will be much appreciated.

  31. Fred simiyu wanyomnyi says:

    Am Fred simiyu wanyomnyi from Kenya. I have a degree in Christian education from shalom Bible college and seminary. Am ineed of more studies.Happy to meet you with online program.
    Whatsapp +254723542142
    Email wfred1755@gmail.com

  32. Dennis Erah says:

    I will greatly appreciate if I can get more details about program enrollment

  33. ISDET_Admin_2014 says:

    Send an online application by going to the section “apply”

  34. Philip J Noah says:

    Please enroll me for distance online Masters in biblical theology.I have a degree in biblical theology from Spiritual Bible College in Liberia. I also have degree in Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology, University of Liberia. Thanks, as I look forward to hearing from you.

  35. Philip J Noah says:

    Please enroll me for distance online Masters in biblical theology.I have a degree in biblical theology from Spiritual Bible College in Liberia. I also have Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology, University of Liberia. Thanks, as I look forward to hearing from you.

  36. Please i want to be enrolled for this program

  37. Elijah Adjanim Boateng says:

    Please how do I subscribe to the program

  38. Elijah Adjanim Boateng says:

    I don’t have website yet, its still in progress .
    I filled the online form but not enrolled, I don’t know i have to get it first.
    I searched for contact to call and explain.
    I will be happy to get one.

  39. Maurice Mwafulirwa says:

    I have bechlors in Theology and i am praying if i can be sponsored to pursue masters.

  40. Tonya says:

    Hello, can women attend this school too. Or is this just for men?

  41. Neil John Geronimo says:

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

    Good day to the administration of ISDET, I just want to follow up my enrollment on the course Master of Biblical Counseling. I sent the application form last November 14 but until today still no reply from the admin.

    I am looking forward for your response.

    Thank you and God bless you

    • Neil John Geronimo says:

      Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

      Good day to the administration of ISDET, I just want to follow up my enrollment on the course MBS. I sent the application form last November 14 but until today still no reply from the admin.

      I am looking forward for your response.

      Thank you and God bless you

  42. Neil John Geronimo says:

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

    Good day to the administration of ISDET, I just want to follow up my enrollment on the course MBS I sent the application form last November 14 but until today still no reply from the admin.

    I am looking forward for your response.

    Thank you and God bless you

  43. Richard Kent says:

    hi my name is Richard Kent and I would like to enroll in your Bacholors Theology please send me the required info.
    In His Service,
    Chaplain Rick

  44. Please what is the duration and total cost for this masters program?

    Thank you.

  45. Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I am from a developing country in Eswatini former (Swaziland). I am a single parent who wants to work in the house of the Lord. He is the First and the last. I want to spend the days of my life working for Him who created me. Thank you for making things a little easier for people like me from developing countries.

  46. Ojenike Barnabas Ikechukwu says:

    Your program is beautiful

  47. Richard Rambeka Okemwa says:

    Register me for masters

  48. My name is collins Khasiani from Kenya,i have a certificate in theology and biblical studies from southern Baptist seminary how can i enroll for masters says:

    I would like to know more

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